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New year, New me

This past year was probably one of the most heart-breaking years of my life. I have encountered people who will lie to you and not feel ONE BIT of remorse. Outrageous isn’t it? I cannot fathom how people will take advantage of you because they know you’re “too nice.” Not everyone has your best interests at heart.

We have all learned to treat people the way you want to be treated; it's the golden rule. Clearly not everyone will abide by the rule. Toxic people are everywhere nowadays. I ask myself, why people lie when telling the truth is way easier! I just don’t understand. Anyways, enough about all this negative talk. What I’m trying to come across by all this is that the negative events in life can turn into a positive (slowly trying to accept this at the moment). It’s definitely easier said than done!

What I have learned so far: 1. Don’t regret knowing anyone. The good people will leave you with loads of memories, while the bad teaches you lessons! Everyone you meet in life will teach you something. Win-win. 2. You’ll realize who is there for you. Going through difficult times are tough, and trust me it sucks. No one wants to hang out with a Debbie downer!! But during these times you’ll realize how lucky you are to be surrounded by your true friends.

3. Toxic people are everywhere. At work, school, anywhere really! You can’t avoid them; they’re always wearing a mask. Sometimes the person you cherish and truly care for end up hurting you the most. But it’s all a growing process; these hurtful times will make you appreciate your friends and your potential soul mate. You've come a long way, and it’ll be worth the pain.

4. Surround yourself with good people. Eliminate the people who are nice for their own convenience. Keep the people who sincerely care and will go out of the way for you. I’d do the same for all my friends! I would be there in a heartbeat for them!

5. Know your own self-worth. Never settle for less than you deserve.

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