Quarter life crisis is real.
I’m 24, soon turning 25 in about two months! I always ask myself, “WTF, have I been doing?!” and, “Why do I not have a plan, while everyone else looks like they’re doing just fine.” Anyone else feel me on this? We need to stop comparing ourselves and focus on “you.” It’s hard not to, but we need to believe that we are all different with our own story to tell. Lately, I have been contemplating life, and to be completely honest, I AM SO LOST. Looking back seven years ago, I thought by now…I would have graduated college, found a good paying job, or even married (eek, scary thought). I can’t handle having mini-me’s running around when I still act like I’m 22. At this point, I don’t mind being single [for life], because...love hurts. I’ll talk about that in another post, another time. So...Is it okay that I’m still lost and have no f***ing idea what I want to pursue? I stumble upon over-thinking the future at 1 A.M…until the sun rises. LOL. Why do I do this to myself? But you know what if you’re in the same boat as me; it means you care THAT much about your future. There are some people out there who don’t seem concerned at all who are still working the same minimum wage paying job since high school. At least you know you WANT bigger goals than that! If you envision it, you’ll find it. We’ll get out of this damn pot hole soon enough. Or at least, I HOPE. There is no instant fix to this feeling, I wish there was! But life is all about the experiences and how you build yourself up. Hashtag #LIFE #ADULTING101. Just take baby steps, and eventually we’ll find ourselves, right? Also remember to not listen to anyone who belittle your ambitions, never let anyone say, “You can’t," You don’t need those Debbie downers. And if it helps, you’re not alone on this one. Go with the flow!
Cheers, Mary Things I want to accomplish during my 25th:
1. Travel the world- Learning about other cultures and actually experiencing it. 2. Pay off my student debt- I learned about interest rates…pay it off ASAP before it accumulates. 3. Move out of my parent’s house- Learn how to be more independent. Budgeting, cooking, cleaning, etc. 4. Learn something new- Don't ever stop learning. There are plenty of things we can learn regardless of our age. 5. Floss more!!- Floss the ones you want to keep…you’re not young forever, we need to take care of our teeth. 6. It’s okay to be single!- Live mas. Learn how to make yourself happy first! 7. Don’t ever settle for comfort- Just because you reached your goals, always aim higher!